Want to become Catholic?
The OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) might be the place for you.
What is OCIA?
The OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process that engages prospective converts to Catholicism who are beyond the age of reason (older than seven years, but often older than 18). It is designed specifically for those who are unbaptized, but often and legitimately used for those who are baptized (Catholic or non-Catholic), but un-catechized.
For example, some OCIA candidates were baptized Catholic but were never raised in the Faith. Other candidates may be baptized non-Catholic Christian and never catechized as a Catholic. For those who have been baptized Catholic and raised in the Faith at home, through religious education, or Catholic schooling, a Confirmation program may be a more fitting program.
What does the process look like?
The OCIA program is organized and run by lay members of our parish and overseen by our pastor. The OCIA team members (those who run the program) and candidates (those wishing to become Catholic and/or fully initiated) on the parish grounds. Weekly meetings will begin in late summer, and conclude shortly after Easter Sunday. Each meeting will involve a different lesson about the Catholic Faith.
During the Season of Lent, in the few weeks before the Easter Vigil Mass, candidates undergo what are called “scrutinies.” It’s a scary word, but it simply involves the candidate making a progressively deeper commitment to the Faith that they are about to profess. It does not involve any type of speech, but simply standing before the congregation at a Sunday Mass for a brief moment as the priest recites a few prayers on your behalf and asks you to affirm your decision with very simple responses.
How do I join?
If a person wishes to become Catholic, or fully initiated (i.e., Confirmed), the first thing they should do is to call the Parish Office at (830) 379-1796. We look forward to hearing from you!